Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mexico's Drug Wars Are Now Killing Innocent Children

From the Houston Chronicle:

Recent attacks are a troubling sign innocents aren't off-limits

MEXICO CITY — Many Mexicans have long shrugged off the violence shaking their country by telling themselves it only affects those involved in the narcotics trade and corrupt law enforcement officers.

But innocent civilians, once considered largely off-limits, now find themselves increasingly targeted.

In the past five days, two attacks in the Pacific Coast state of Sinaloa claimed the lives of perhaps more than a dozen people with no apparent connection to the drug trade — including at least four teens, a 12-year-old girl and a father-and-son team of university accounting professors.

Read more ....

My Comment: This should be no surprise. Mexico's culture of poverty, unemployment, corruption, and lack of judicial enforcement has led us to the situation that we are in now. The danger is that this will spiral into a Colombia type of insurgency. Groups with political agendas that have no popular support will be drawn to be involved with the drug trade in order to obtain funds and the power that comes with it to pursue their political goals.

For the U.S., this is the worse of all possible worlds. A huge illegal and underground population in the U.S. that are influenced to some degree by Mexico's drug wars and social break down. America's hunger for narcotics that is increasing every year. A social and criminal breakdown that always occurs when major elements of a society abdicate their morals and culture for meeting their drug needs.

The solutions are many .... but the political will is presently absent from both the political elites and the American public. If the toll of the drug wars start to impact America as it has in Colombia .... maybe it is then that everything will change.

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