Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pakistani Taliban Destroy Paramilitary Fort In Hangu -- NATO Forces Are Now Mobilizing On The Border With Pakistan

From The Long War Journal:

The Taliban continue to rampage in the settled district of Hangu in Pakistan’s Northwest Frontier Province. In the latest assault, a Taliban force overran a Frontier Constabulary fort, looted weapons, explosives, and ammunition, then destroyed the outpost.

An estimated 250 Taliban surrounded the fort in the Shinawarai region in Hangu on Monday night and ordered the paramilitary troops to leave. Dawn reported that the paramilitaries were granted "safe passage," but Geo TV reported 15 troops were killed and five set free. After the troops abandoned the fort, it was looted. The Taliban then set explosive charges and detonated after abandoning the post.

Read more ....

While this is what is happening in Pakistan ..... the Pakistani press are more concerned about the following:

Pakistan tribesmen say NATO forces mass on Afghan border -- AFP
Western troop build-up sows alarm in Pakistan -- Reuters
Coalition troops ‘in position’ -- Hindustan
TV: NATO forces gear up movement on Pak-Afghan border -- China View
Editorial: ‘US invasion’ of tribal areas will provoke strong backlash -- Daily Times
NATO troops move along Pak border creating anxiety -- Khaleej Times

My Comment: I read a quote this weekend that mentioned how Pakistan is increasingly acting like a schizophrenic patient who is not on his meds. The above stories that I list illustrates the truth of Pakistan's conditions. They have a full blown insurgency that is killing scores of their citizens and the citizens of other countries ..... but they do not want any help because it would infringe on their sovereignty.

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