Friday, July 25, 2008

Mystery Explosions Point To Iran's Secret Arms Shipments To Terrorists

A funeral procession for two of the people who died
in the mysterious explosion in a mosque in Shiraz

From The Telegraph:

For an organisation that prides itself on being a well-run administrative machine, the leadership of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards is having a rather testing time. It’s not just last Saturday’s mysterious explosion in a suburb of Tehran that killed 15 people that is causing the leadership sleepless nights, although the nationwide news black-out imposed immediately afterwards does suggest the Revolutionary Guards, the storm troops of Iran’s Islamic Revolution, are rattled.

Details are only now starting to reach the outside world, and it looks increasingly like sabotage was responsible for devastating a military convoy as it travelled through Khavarshahar. The company responsible for moving the equipment, LTK, is owned by the Revolutionary Guards and is suspected of being involved in shipping arms to Lebanon’s Hizbollah Shia Muslim militia, which is trained and funded by Tehran.

Read more ....

Update: Arrests have been made

My Comment: This is one of many bombings and accidents that have occurred in Iran this past year. Does someone see a trend?

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