Friday, July 25, 2008

Nasrallah Orders Hezbollah Leaders To Cut All Communications With Syria

Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah

From CBS News:

Informed sources told al-Qanat that tensions have arisen between Iran- Hezbollah, and Syria, after the assassination in Damascus last February of Imad Mughnieh, when the Syrians refused to allow Iran or Hezbollah take part in the investigations.

The strategic relations between Damascus and Tehran (and Hezbollah) began to deteriorate and became altered by mistrust and suspicion. It seems that the doubts raised by Hezbollah about a Syrian role in selling of Mughnieh to Israel has gone beyond the leadership of the Syrian intelligence in Damascus, to include its agents in Lebanon, specifically in Beirut's southern suburb, as Hezbollah rounded up dozens of Syrians on suspicion of links with the Syrian intelligence, and subjected them to Lengthy investigations and interrogations.

Read more ....

My Comments: Something is afoot. With the Iraq war dying down, other Arab countries putting pressure on Syria to tow the line, and with Iran being .... well Iran, the Syrian government is probably sensing a shift in the Middle East.

Being a radical may have been popular in the past five years, but it is not a good idea now. The people of the Middle East want something better .... I am sure that they are getting tired of perpetual conflict and being told what to do by religious mullahs.

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