Saturday, July 12, 2008

U.S. Considers Increasing Pace of Iraq Pullout

An American Special Forces instructor inspects a line of Iraqi Army soldiers before an advanced combat class July 16, 2007 at a base near Baqouba in the Diyala province of Iraq.

From The New York Times:

WASHINGTON — The Bush administration is considering the withdrawal of additional combat forces from Iraq beginning in September, according to administration and military officials, raising the prospect of a far more ambitious plan than expected only months ago.

Such a withdrawal would be a striking reversal from the nadir of the war in 2006 and 2007.

One factor in the consideration is the pressing need for additional American troops in Afghanistan, where the Taliban and other fighters have intensified their insurgency and inflicted a growing number of casualties on Afghans and American-led forces there.

More American and allied troops died in Afghanistan than in Iraq in May and June, a trend that has continued this month.

Read more ....

My Comment: There are a lot of "ifs" that need to be first resolved. Iran, terrorism, instability in oil supplies .... the list is long and endless. But the bottom line is the following ..... even if a number of U.S. troops leave, they will still be nearby in Kuwait, Qatar, and in the various U.S. Naval fleets.

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