Saturday, July 12, 2008

West Suffers Historic Defeat As China And Russia Veto Zimbabwe Sanctions

From Times Online:

Britain’s diplomatic strategy in Zimbabwe collapsed last night in an historic defeat for the West in the UN Security Council that will have repercussions across Africa and beyond.

Russia and China wielded their veto to kill a resolution imposing UN sanctions on President Mugabe and his inner circle in a defining vote in the 15-nation council.

Sir John Sawers, the British Ambassador to the UN, said: “The people of Zimbabwe need to be given hope that there is an end in sight to their suffering. The Security Council today has failed to offer them that hope.”

Read more ....

More News On Zimbabwe
2 Vetoes Quash U.N. Sanctions on Zimbabwe -- New York Times
Zimbabwe veto: Britain and US condemn Russia and China -- Telegraph
China and Russia veto Zimbabwe sanctions -- The Guardian
Fury as Zimbabwe sanctions vetoed -- BBC News
China defends veto of Zimbabwe resolution -- Reuters
Zimbabwe: Sanctions failure a win over racism -- MSNBC
FACTBOX - Sanctions on Zimbabwe -- Reuters
Opinion: Saving Zimbabwe -- Time Magazine

My Comment: Should anyone be surprised?

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