Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Divided They Stand: Nato Searches For A Strategy To Confront Russia

From Times Online:

The Russian Army continued to occupy Georgia in defiance of the West yesterday as Nato leaders gathered to hammer out a united response to the new military threat from Moscow.

There was no sign of a withdrawal from Georgian soil despite a declaration from Moscow that a pullout had begun. The Georgian Government in Tbilisi countered that Russian forces were still trying to take more territory.

Nato foreign ministers will meet in Brussels today to try to overcome deep-seated divisions on the best way to confront the first Russian invasion of a neighbour since the end of the Cold War. The United States, Britain and many Eastern European states are pressing for a tough stance but France, Germany and others are reluctant to alienate Moscow.

Read more ....

My Comment: There is division in Europe on how to respond, but what will change Europe to adopt a tougher stance will be the Eastern European states. All of them know what is at stake, and because they are convinced that they are not only morally and ethically right, but also strategically they are confident that this is the course to go .... I expect limited political and economic sanctions to be positioned for implementation in the event that Russia does not abide by its disengagement agreement.

Incidents like this will only make Europe's reaction more severe.

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