Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Sunni - Shiite Cracks In Iraq

American and Iraqi soldiers patrolled Monday outside Baquba.
A bombing in the area killed militia members aiding the military.

Iraq Cracks Down On US-Backed Fighters
-- International Herald Tribune

BAGHDAD: The Shiite-led government is cracking down on U.S.-backed Sunni fighters in one of Iraq's most turbulent regions, arresting some leaders, disarming scores and banning them from manning checkpoints except alongside security forces.

Moves against the fighters in Diyala province reflect mixed views on a movement which began in 2007 among Sunni tribes in western Iraq that revolted against al-Qaida in Iraq and joined the Americans in the fight against the terror network.

U.S. officials credit the rise of such groups, known variously as Awakening Councils, Sons of Iraq and Popular Committees, with helping rout al-Qaida, which Washington views as the most dangerous insurgent movement.

But the government is suspicious of such groups, fearing their decision to break with the insurgency was a short-term tactic to gain U.S. money and support. The government fears they will eventually turn their guns against Iraq's majority Shiites.

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My Comment: Distrust among the communities is still very high. The only thing that is keeping Iraq's political and military establishment together are U.S. and coalition forces.

I can understand why the Iraq Government is unsure of the men who make up the Awakening Councils. It is only a few years ago that these same men were murdering Iraqi Shiites. But I am also sure that some reconciliation is going to come about. How this will proceed will determine Iraq's stability between the communities in the years to come.

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