Saturday, August 9, 2008

Georgia / Russia War News Updates -- Georgia Declares State Of War With Russia (Update #4)


Full Coverage Of The Russian/Georgian War -- Yahoo News
Georgia parliament approves a "state of war" -- Reuters
Georgia calls for ceasefire in S. Ossetia -- Reuters
Georgia's Saakashvili calls for immediate ceasefire -- Reuters
EU, U.S. diplomats seek Georgia ceasefire -- UPI
Russia says has control of S.Ossetian capital -- Reuters
Russian jets attack Georgian town -- BBC News
Eyewitness: Scenes of panic in Gori -- BBC News
S Ossetia bitterness turns to conflict -- BBC News
Warnings against non-essential travel to Georgia -- Reuters
Georgia's president seeks martial law as violence continues -- RIA Novosti
Georgia declares state of war with Russia -- CNN
Russia Is Waging `Full-Scale War' Over S. Ossetia, Georgia Says -- Bloomberg
Georgia proposes cease fire in S Ossetia -- AP
Georgia: Russia enters into 'war' in South Ossetia -- The Telegraph
Russia turns might of its war machine on rebel neighbour Georgia -- Times Online
Georgia disputes control of South Ossetian capital -- Independent
We are at war with Russia, declares Georgian leader -- The Independent
Russia claims control of South Ossetian capital -- The Guardian
Armed Cossacks pour in to fight Georgians -- The Guardian
Georgia declares 15-day 'state of war', as 1,500 civilians left dead by Russia conflict -- Daily Mail
Russia Sends Tanks Into Georgia -- Washington Times
U.S. troops, contractors in Georgia not believed to be at risk -- Stars And Stripes
Georgia reports new air attack near capital: Georgia says new air attacks hit near capital and key oil pipeline -- Newsweek
Russian jets attack Georgian city as battles rage -- MSNBC
Russians raid Georgian town; heavy casualties reported -- LA Times
Fighting escalates in Caucasus -- International Herald Tribune
Georgia to let civilians flee South Ossetia -- International Herald Tribune
US urges end to Georgia fighting -- International Herald Tribune
Bush meets Putin over Georgia fighting -- CNN
Medvedev: South Ossetia Situation a 'Humanitarian Catastrophe' -- FOX News
Commander: Georgia to Remove All Troops in Iraq to Join South Ossetia Conflict -- FOX News
Bush: "Dangerous Escalation" In Georgia -- CBS News
U.S. Calls For Prompt Ceasefire In Georgia -- CBS News
US President Warns Attacks on Georgia 'Dangerous Escalation' -- Voice Of America
Fighting Between Russian, Georgian Forces Intensifies -- Voice Of America
Red Cross Calls for Humanitarian Corridor in South Ossetia -- Voice Of America
UN Security Council Fails to Agree on Georgia -- Voice Of America
Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili calls for cease fire in South Ossetia -- China View
Georgia's parliament approves martial law -- China View
Abkhazia fears attack from Georgia-media -- Reuters
British-Georgian military exercises in doubt -- AFP


Georgia pays price for its Nato ambitions -- The Telegraph
War in the Caucasus -- Wall Street Journal
Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili banked on Russia not having will to fight -- Times Online
Analysis: why the Russia-Georgia conflict matters to the West -- Times Online
How Georgia fell into its enemies' trap -- Times Online
Georgia on the brink -- Times Online
Mary Dejevsky: Kremlin has its work cut out to avoid a new defeat -- The Independent
Stopping Russia -- Washington Post
Georgia Power Play, and Big Gamble -- Washington Post
S Ossetia bitterness turns to conflict -- The BBC
Analysis: Georgia's decision to shell Tskhinvali could prove 'reckless' -- The Guardian
How the frozen conflict turned into a flash fire -- The Guardian
Prisoner of the Caucasus -- The Guardian
'The war in South Ossetia could be the most dangerous flashpoint since the Cuban crisis', says top historian -- Daily Mail
The Western-looking leaders of Russia and Georgia have locked horns in a fight that puts the smaller nation squarely at a disadvantage. -- Newsweek
Georgia makes a power play — and a big gamble -- MSNBC
South Ossetia Fighting Risks Wider War -- ABC News
No quick fix to S Ossetia conflict -- BBC News
Prospect remains dim to solve South Ossetia conflict -- China View


Russia / Georgia Conflict Sounds Alarm Bells At Threat To Vital Link In The Energy Chain -- Pat Dollard
Trouble in the Caucasus - The Belmont Club
The 1930s echo in Georgia -- Westhawk
War With Georgia -- Strategy Page
South Ossetia: Alea Jacta Est -- A Fistful of Euros


Daily Telegraph

CNN - iReport

CBS News


Al Jazeera


South Ossetia: factbox -- The Telegraph
The tussle for South Ossetia -- The Guardian
Timeline: South Ossetia -- The Guardian
Q & A: Behind the battle for South Ossetia -- MSNBC
Q&A: Violence in South Ossetia -- BBC News
Timeline: Key Events in Russian-Georgian Relations - Associated Press
How Russian and Georgian Forces Stack Up - Reuters
Factbox: International Reaction to South Ossetia Conflict - Reuters
Georgia - CIA World Factbook
Russia - CIA World Factbook
Georgia - BBC Country Page
Russia - BBC Country Page
South Ossetia - New York Times background and related news
South Ossetia - BBC background

NEXT UPDATE: 21:00 EST, Saturday, August 9, 2008

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