Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Iraq Official: US, Iraq Finish Draft Security Deal

SQUADRON 23 — The Iraqi Honor Guard stands beside the new squadron sign after a ceremony in which the U.S. Air Force presented three C-130 aircraft to the Iraqi Air Force at Ali Base in Tallil, Iraq, Jan. 14, 2005. This ceremony marks the reactivation of Iraqi Air Force Squadron 23. U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Angelique Perez

From Yahoo News/AP:

BAGHDAD - U.S. and Iraqi negotiators have finished a draft agreement that would see American troops removed from Iraqi cities by June 30, an Iraqi official said Wednesday. But the draft has not been approved by the Cabinet and some members have expressed opposition.

The official, who was involved in the protracted negotiations, said the agreement calls for U.S. troops to fully leave the country by the end of 2011.

He said a compromise was reached on the contentious issue of immunity for American troops from prosecution under Iraqi laws, but he did not give details. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not supposed to release the information.

Read more ....

My Comment: The Iraqi Government is now confident that they will be able to control the country within 3 years, and that the American Army will not be needed after 2011. I will disagree. When I browse the military blogs of American servicemen in Iraq and the English blogs of Iraqis, they are universal in their agreement that in every major battle against Sunni or Shiite extremists it was always American air power that made the difference.

The Iraqis do not have an air force. This essential weapon for any army and government will take (for Iraq) a decade to purchase, develop, and train. In the interim, the Iraq Government will need the American Air Force with their airbases in the desert and its personnel on the ground to service, arm, and prepare aircraft and helicopters for patrol or battle.

I have not seen any news reports that confirm this military reality .... but I would not be surprised that once this draft agreement is signed .... this little matter of air bases and thousands of U.S. military personnel that will then be necessary to service the Air Force will then be ..... cough .... cough ..... exposed.

In addition .... once the decision is made to have an Iraq Air Force .... the procurement for this project will probably be one of the world's largest defense purchases ever. If I am a betting man .... I would bet on American Defense contractors coming on top.

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