Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A New Cold War -- A Collection Of Opinions, Commentary, And Analysis

Let’s Not Rush Into Cold War II -- Pajamas Media

Some robust rhetoric has been used to condemn Russia’s brutally effective invasion of Georgia. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice compared the act to the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968. Senator John McCain said that the war was an attempt to “establish the Russian Empire,” while influential columnist Charles Krauthammer suggested that President Bush send Vladimir Putin a DVD of Charlie Wilson’s War. Max Boot, author of the excellent book War Made New, counseled that we immediately send the Georgians Stinger and Javelin missiles. Strong stuff.

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More Opinions, Commentary, And Analysis

The stakes are raised in a new Cold War -- The Independent
Cold War nostalgia masks brutality of past -- Telegraph
Cold War ghosts haunt western world -- The National
NATO floundering over Georgian crisis -- National Post
The new cold war era -- Asia Times
A new Cold War? -- Stabroek News
Punishing Russia, the Cold War and the costs of Iraq and Afghanistan -- he moderate Voice
It's Not a Cold War -- American Enterprise Institute
Echoes of the Prague Spring -- New York Sun
Georgia: Cold war map will not be redrawn, US warns Russia -- The Guardian
Cold War all over again? -- China Post
The new Cold War: Crisis in the Caucasus -- Independent
The new cold war hots up -- Times Online

My Comment: I doubt that a second cold war will be the result of Russia's invasion of Georgia. But relations between the West and Russia have taken a hit. The longer this goes on, the more that differences between the democracies of Europe and Russia will start to show themselves.

One serious impact from this change in relations will be on how to handle Iran's nuclear ambitions. Iran's nuclear ambitions have no impact (from the Russian point of view) on Russia's strategic objectives. How to change this perception .... that Iran is a strategic threat .... will occupy the attention of policy advisers in the next few months. In view of how sour relations have become .... this is not going to be an easy job.

Russia is necessary in the next stage of implementing sanctions against Iran. Will they be there when we need then .... I doubt it.

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