Thursday, August 14, 2008

US, Poland Agree To Anti-Missile Defense Deal

Poland said it was promised US Patriot missiles as part of the deal

From Yahoo News/AP:

WARSAW, Poland - Poland and the United States reached an agreement Thursday to base American missile interceptors in Poland, going ahead with a plan that has angered Russia and threatened to escalate tensions with the region's communist-era master.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk said the United States had agreed to help augment Poland's defenses with Patriot missiles in exchange for placing 10 missile defense interceptors in the eastern European country.

"We have crossed the Rubicon," he said on the TVN24 news channel, referring to U.S. consent to meet Poland's demands.

Tusk said the agreement was initialed by negotiators late Thursday in Warsaw and includes a "mutual commitment" between the two nations — beyond that of NATO — to come to each other's assistance in case of danger.

Read more ....

More News On Poland/U.S. Anti-Missile Talks

Poland, US Sign Missile Defense Deal -- Deutsche Welle
Poland, U.S. to sign missile shield deal -- CNN
Poland, U.S. Agree To Missile-shield Pact: Reports -- Fox News
Russia to build anti-missile system in Caucasus,Asia -- China Daily
What the Russian papers say -- RIA Novosti

My Comment: After the Russian invasion of Georgia .... this agreement should be no surprise. The Russian Government should be ready for "more surprises".


Anonymous said...

Heir Bush is attempting to restart the cold war and Putin is more than happy to accomodate him. Fortunately, this is only a preliminary agreement, which President Obama will bury.

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