Thursday, September 18, 2008

Republicans And Democrats Have Different Viewpoints On 9/11 And Its Consequences

Why No New Terror Attacks? GOP, Dems Disagree -- Houston Chronicle

WASHINGTON — Why do people think there hasn't been a terrorist strike in the U.S. since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001? The answer largely reflects the political party of the person asked, according to a poll released today.

Eighty-nine percent of Republicans said actions by the U.S. government are a major reason there's been no follow-up attack, according to an Associated Press-GfK Poll. Democrats were more skeptical, with 53 percent crediting federal activity.

Seven in 10 Republicans but just one in five Democrats rated the war in Iraq a major factor in preventing another attack. The party breakdown was similar regarding the impact of the war in Afghanistan.

Those questioned were given seven possible explanations for the lack of a strike, and Republicans were likelier than Democrats to call five of them major deterrents: federal activities, the war in Iraq, the invasion of Afghanistan, state and local efforts, and vigilance by ordinary Americans. In addition, roughly one in four from each party said help from foreign governments and the possibility terrorists haven't tried launching assaults were major factors.

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My Comment: Even with the threat of another 9/11, the U.S. people are still split.

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