Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Coup Attempt In Guinea After President Dies (Update)

Guinean soldiers patrolled the streets of Conakry in armored vehicles on Tuesday. Agence France-Presse — Getty Images (Photo from New York Times)

From Yahoo News/AFP:

CONAKRY (AFP) – The military in the west African state of Guinea launched a coup on Tuesday, hours after the death of strongman President Lansana Conte, but the government declared it was still in power.

The mineral-rich country was left in turmoil as the coup plotters said they had suspended the constitution and dissolved all state institutions, a claim the government denied.

"The institutions of the republic have shown themselves to be incapable of resolving the crises which have been confronting the country," Captain Moussa Dadis Camara, spokesman for the coup, announced on state radio.

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More News On The Coup In Guinea

Coup Attempt in Guinea After Strongman Dies -- New York Times
Guinea coup plotters 'a minority' -- BBC
Guinea soldiers attempt coup after president dies -- Reuters
Coup attempt in Guinea after president dies -- AFP
Guinea faces turmoil after coup bid -- Reuters
Prime minister says Guinea government still in place -- Reuters
Government denies coup in Guinea after death of Lansansa Conte -- Times Online

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