Saturday, December 20, 2008

The New U.S. Director Of Intelligence -- A Profile

Blair Is Steeped in the Ways Intelligence Works -- Washington Post

After Dennis Blair's assignment as military liaison to the CIA 13 years ago, he groused about all the cloak-and-dagger politics at Langley headquarters. "You'd go to a meeting and think everyone had agreed" to a particular course of action, and then the meeting would end and "someone would come up to me in the hallway and say, 'Forget what you heard in there' " -- what we really want to do is something different, Blair once explained.

Secret agendas have never been "Denny" Blair's style. The reserved former four-star admiral, who is widely understood to be President-elect Barack Obama's choice as director of national intelligence, is well known in Washington as an intellectual who values straightforwardness and has mastered the byzantine interagency process during his various government stints.

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My Comment:It is interesting that President-elect Obama is appointing 3 and 4 star Generals to sensitive posts. Is he perceiving a need for a military posture in the intelligence services, or is this a direct realization that a consequence of the foreign policy that he is going to implement during his watch will need a tough military response to emergencies and crisis that he is now expecting.

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