Saturday, December 20, 2008

Oil Plunge Heightens Tensions in Iran

From The Wall Street Journal:

TEHRAN -- Falling oil prices and soaring inflation are squeezing Iran's economy, sparking anxiety among top officials and citizens on how the country will cope.

Iran's budget deficit next year will widen to as much as $50 billion, economists forecast. In a turnabout earlier this month, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad acknowledged the plunging oil prices are hurting the economy and said the government would have to abandon "a major part" of its public projects. It was a rare admission for the president, who until then had said Iran's economy was immune to the global downturn.

Read more ....

My Comment: The Iranian people are not stupid. They know where all the money went. Hezbollah and Hamas. Purchase of weapon systems from Russia. Paying middlemen to circumvent sanctions. A nuclear weapons program. Stealing for themselves.

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