Tuesday, December 23, 2008

UN: Millions Of Refugees Languish In Camps For Decades

Refugee Camp In Darfur

From Voice Of America:

More than two-thirds of the world's refugees, some six million people, are living in limbo. Many have been in exile for decades with no hope of going home. They are trapped in squalid refugee camps and communities, struggling to survive in remote, insecure parts of the world. The UN refugee agency recently convened an international conference aimed at seeking durable solutions to these protracted refugee situations.

The burden of hosting refugees falls almost exclusively to developing countries and in particular, to Africa. UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, said the international community has not done enough to share that burden.

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My Comment: Some are saying that the 21rst century will be marked by the massive movements of people from one part of the world to the other. If conflicts and wars continue to increase at the rate that it has for the past few years, coupled with economic and social upheaval ..... this present refugee crisis will be puny in comparison to what can happen.

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