Monday, February 9, 2009

Iran News Updates For February 10, 2009

Khomeini was greeted by millions who rejected the Shah's secularist policies [GALLO/GETTY] (Photo taken from Al Jazeera)

Khomeini Revered As Iran's Revolution Hits 30 -- Christian Science Monitor

Iran marks the anniversary of its 1979 Islamic revolution on Tuesday.

Tehran, Iran - In dim light from high windows, the stream of schoolchildren never stops. Class after class of pupils, herded by their teachers, make their pilgrimage to the place where Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the founder of Iran's 1979 Islamic revolution, once preached.

A banner leaves no doubt about today's lesson: "This revolution is not known anywhere in the world without the name Khomeini."

As Iran marks the 30th anniversary of its revolution on Tuesday, the ayatollah's defiant spirit still towers above all. From Iran's opposition to America as the "Great Satan," to the spread of its ideology of resistance – as well as loving family moments – Khomeini's legacy lives on in fact and myth.

Read more ....

More News On Iran

Iran, 30 Years On: Was it worth it? -- The Telegraph
Iranian youth between two worlds -- France 24
Iran's women fight for rights 30 years after revolution -- AFP
Iran warns its enemies against any invasion: IRGC commander -- China View
Iran's sights set high 30 years after revolution -- AFP
Iran Quickly Trying To Get Weapons Into Gaza Strip -- The Bulletin
Russia to complete Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant on time -- RIA Novosti
Washington's man in Iran -- L.A. Times
Iran: remember Jekyll as well as Hyde -- Times Online opinion
Mr. Obama and Iran -- New York Times editorial

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