Joshua Foust and I were engaging in some friendly jousting over a few articles we had written (and found much more on which to agree than disagree), and some interesting information came to light. You see, Joshua is currently in Afghanistan, and he responded to me that he couldn’t get to my web site as it was locally blocked by S6 (or otherwise CJ6 or J6, which is Army IT Staff).
I immediately copied the article into an e-mail and sent it on its way, but only later did the importance what Joshua said dawn on me. Pressing him for more data and information, Josh responded with an article of his own. The results of his little investigation are striking.
Read more ....
My Comment: I cannot say that I am surprised. The Captain's Journal .... and a few other blogs .... have been "dead on" with their reporting on the weaknesses and problems of the allied effort in Afghanistan. Their analysis have always been proven right, and their observations and concerns are on a need to read basis for those who are trying to understand the Afghan war theater.
Unfortunately, there are others in Afghanistan (and in Pakistan), who work with the enemy and who read these same blog posts with their analysis and observations. While I know that The Captain's Journal and other fellow bloggers will never give anything to the enemy willingly .... and are very careful on what they write and publish .... the "powers that be" clearly do not have that same level of confidence. As a result, these bloggers have been tried and judged without even knowing what is happening to them.
From my point of view, this is not good news. Blogs like The Captain's Journal transmit and publicize essential and required information for people who wish to understand more on what is happening in Afghanistan .... especially if they are serving in Afghanistan. The blocking of their message is not going to hinder nor stop what the enemy may do.
Sigh .... the message is always a casualty of war. The Captain's Journal, War is Boring, Registan .... etc. .... these blogs are now a casualty of this war.
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