Monday, March 9, 2009

Cocaine Production Surge Unleashes Wave Of Violence In Latin America

From The Guardian:

Cocaine production has surged across Latin America and unleashed a wave of violence, population displacements and corruption, prompting urgent calls to rethink the drug war.

More than 750 tonnes of cocaine are shipped annually from the Andes in a multi-billion pound industry which has forced peasants off land, triggered gang wars and perverted state institutions.

A Guardian investigation based on dozens of interviews with law enforcement officials, coca farmers, refugees and policymakers has yielded a bleak picture of the "war" on the eve of a crucial United Nations drug summit.

Read more ....

My Comment: One would think that with the economic/financial crisis getting worse, there would be less money to buy drugs. It appears that I am wrong.

But what is more shocking to me is that more people are dying from this war than Iraq and Afghanistan combined .... and the main stream media is only now properly covering this conflict.

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