Friday, March 13, 2009

DHS Appoints Microsoft Exec To Secure Government Computers

From Threat Level:

You might not think it's newsworthy when the Department of Homeland Security fills a job vacancy. But it's news when a department that has "security" in its name appoints someone with security in his background.

Unfortunately, in this case, the security background comes courtesy of Microsoft, which might cause some to ponder the phrase "unclear on the concept."

DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano announced today that she was appointing Philip Reitinger to the position of deputy undersecretary of the department's National Protections Program Directorate. The job requires Reitinger to oversee the protection of the government's computer networks and work with the private sector to help secure critical infrastructures.

Read more ....

My Comment: A Microsoft Exec. responsible for computer security. Hmmmm .... I wish he had declined the job and dedicated his energies to make my Windows platform more secure than what it is now .... which is very insecure.

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