Friday, March 13, 2009

US Refused Predators UAV To Pakistan, For Being Too Cosy With China

From Defense Technology News:

(NSI News Source Info) March 11, 2009: Pakistan is using several different types of UAVs along the Afghan and Indian borders. The most effective of these is the Italian Falco UAV, which Pakistan ordered Falco three years ago.

The air force completed evaluation of the Falco a little over a year ago, and put at least four of them into service. Falco is a 924 pound aircraft with a 150 pound payload. Ceiling is 5,000 meters, but it usually operates at lower altitudes (2,000 meters). Endurance is up to 12 hours, but typical missions are 6-8 hours. Max speed is 210 kilometers an hour, although it usually cruises at 150. Falco can be up to 200 kilometers from its ground station. The UAV can take off and land on an air strip, or use a catapult for takeoff and parachute for landing.

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My Comment: It is a guarantee that if the U.S. sells Reapers to Pakistan, within a month Chinese technicians will be reverse engineering the product (for a fee of course).

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