Sunday, March 15, 2009

Gen. Petraeus: No Iraq-Style Surge In Afghanistan

Taking charge ... General David Petraeus. Photo: AP

From AP:

EAST HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — The commander of the U.S. Central Command said Friday that an Iraq-style surge cannot be a solution to the problems in Afghanistan.

Gen. David Petraeus, speaking before about 800 people at an event sponsored by the World Affairs Council, acknowledged that the situation in Afghanistan has been spiraling downward and is likely to get worse before it gets better.

In a speech that also touched on issues ranging from the nuclear threat in Iraq to pirates off Somalia, Petraeus said more resources are needed in Afghanistan, both military and especially civil to help build a stable government there.

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My Comment: Gen. Petraeus is being realistic. He will not have 150,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan .... as he had in Iraq .... and he will not have the same logistical support. He cannot have a surge, even if he had wanted one.

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