Friday, March 13, 2009

Obama Team Plots Opening of Iran Ties

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Iranian president Ahmadinejad
(Iranian News Agency ISNA, August 1, 2005)

From The Wall Street Journal:

WASHINGTON -- The Obama administration is considering lifting a ban on regular diplomatic contacts with Iran and looking at ways to develop a direct line of communication to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, said officials briefed on the deliberations.

American and European officials say Mr. Khamenei is the only Iranian leader who can make the ultimate decision to suspend or freeze Iran's nuclear program.

"The key issue is now to find a channel to Khamenei," said a senior Western diplomat briefed on the Obama administration's policy review in recent days. "If the supreme leader moves, he's going to do it in a very prudent and incremental way."

Read more ....

My Comment: On the one hand, the U.S. Government labels Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, criticizes Britain for opening discussions with the group, and maintains a complete embargo on the group and on all of its affiliates.

But on the other hand the U.S. Government is now publicly making its intentions known that they are plotting and going out of their way to develop diplomatic ties with Iran .... the main ally and supplier of weapons and monies to Hezbollah.

Am I the only one who sees the disconnect here?

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