Friday, March 13, 2009

U.S., U.K. Divided Over Dialogue With Hezbollah

From Wall Street Journal:

WASHINGTON -- Britain's decision this month to open a direct dialogue with the political arm of Hezbollah, the Lebanese militia and political party, has rankled the Obama administration's foreign policy team.

The U.S. lists Hezbollah as a terrorist organization for its attacks on American military and civilian personnel inside Lebanon in past decades. A senior U.S. official said Thursday Washington doesn't share London's view that one can differentiate between Hezbollah's military arm and its political and social entities.

Read more ....

My Comment: The key quote in this article is the following:

The American official said he would like the British to explain to him "the difference between the political, military and social wings of Hezbollah because we don't see a difference between the integrated leadership that they see."

The British officials who opened up these diplomatic ties are never going to answer the above question. Their justification for their actions will always be "99% of the world supports them" .... or .... the "Arab street" supports them.

I tend to differ.

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