Friday, March 13, 2009

Tanks Deployed In Madagascar -- Civil War Looms

Rebel Troops Deploy Tanks in Madagascar’s Capital -- New York Times

ANTANANARIVO (Reuters) - Dissident soldiers deployed tanks in Madagascar's capital on Friday and said they would use them to fight any mercenaries hired in a power struggle that has killed 135 people on the Indian Ocean island.

The troops have broken away from the traditionally neutral security forces, saying they wanted to bring order to a country torn by a stand-off between President Marc Ravalomanana and opposition leader Andry Rajoelina.

Ravalomanana urged city residents to organize themselves to repel the mutineers and defend the presidential palace.

In the worst civil unrest for years, it is unclear who controls the government or military. The crisis is crippling the country's $390 million-a-year tourism industry.

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More News On The Crisis In Madagascar

Madagascar mutineers say they are deploying tanks -- AP
Mutinous Troops in Madagascar Say They Control Army Tanks -- Voice Of America
Madagascar tensions mount as rivals dig in heels -- Yahoo News/AFP
'Civil War Looms' in Madagascar -- BBC News
Madagascar Police Defy Government -- BBC News
Crowd rallies to Madagascar head -- BBC
Malagasy president urges public to repel rebels -- World Bulletin
Army proves to be Madagascar's rock -- IOL
FACTBOX-Key facts on Madagascar -- Reuters

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