Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Japan Is Now Contemplating A First Strike Option Against Enemies

Japan Panel Wants 'First Strikes' Against Enemies: Report -- Reuters

TOKYO (Reuters) - A Japanese ruling party panel is to propose that pre-emptive strikes against enemy bases be allowed despite the country's pacifist constitution, Kyodo news agency said on Monday, weeks after a North Korean missile launch.

North Korea fired a ballistic missile in April that flew over northern Japan after warning that it planned to launch a satellite, prompting the government to deploy missile interceptors to the area .

"Japan should have the ability to strike enemy bases within the scope of its defense-oriented policy, in order not to sit and wait for death," Kyodo quoted the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) committee as saying in its proposal.

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My Comment: Such thinking from any Japanese Government body was unthinkable 20 years ago. Today is clearly a different world.

To everyone in Asia .... such a change in Japanese policy is frightening to the extreme. Unfortunately for us, our political leaders in the West are not sensitive on how profound such a change in thinking will impact the entire geopolitical sphere of Asia. I can understand why the Japanese are concerned with North Korea, but any contemplation of first strike doctrine should be put in the box and closed ASAP. Failure to do so will result in a massive arms race in Asia

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