Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Profile And Analysis On North Korea's Leader

Ailing dictator: North Korea's leader Kim Jong-il's is making way for a successor

He's The Crazed Tyrant With The Nuclear Button - And He's Ready To Unleash Armageddon On His Own People -- The Daily Mail

During Barack Obama's election campaign, Hillary Clinton famously demanded to know whether he was ready to take a 2am emergency call. Yesterday, that call came.

North Korea's ailing leader, Kim Jong-il, woke the new U.S. President with a Nagasakisized nuclear test. And at 2.18am, President Obama issued a condemnation of the dictator's 'reckless' act.

Whether the North Korean tyrant will lose any sleep over Obama's reaction is doubtful. Antagonising world leaders and cocking a snook at America in particular has been his regime's stock-in-trade for decades. But there is method in Kim Jong-il's apparent madness.

Read more ....

My Comment: An excellent analysis on Kim Jong-Il from the Daily Mail.

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