Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- June 3, 2009

North Korea And Pakistan: The Nuclear Nightmare

North Korea and Pakistan present unique nuclear-proliferation risks because they challenge the very premise on which the international anti-proliferation measures have been built.

While North Korea is often compared with Iran, the challenge it poses is more akin to Pakistan's. Both Pakistan and North Korea are actual proliferation threats as opposed to Iran's potential proliferation challenge. But while North Korea is a growing regional threat, Pakistan — with its expanding nuclear armory, terrorists and jihadist-infiltrated military and nuclear establishments — presents itself as an international nightmare.

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What Muslim World? -- Foreign Policy

The Speech Obama Should Give -- Robert Spencer, American Thinker

Obama on His Cairo Speech -- Thomas Friedman, New York Times

President Obama's Middle East Test -- Michael Gerson, Washington Post

Will Obama Apologize to Muslim World? -- Christopher Dickey, Newsweek

Arab World Skeptical About Obama Overture -- Bernhard Zand, Der Spiegel

Taliban on VOA -- The American Thinker

North Korea, Iran Nukes: The Growing Threat -- Mark Penn, Politico

Shadow Boxing in Pyongyang: Why All the Threats? We'd Best Ask China. -- Anne Applebaum, Washington Post

North Korea Won't Stop Being a Pain -- Thomas P. M. Barnett, Esquire

Cuba and the OAS -- Los Angeles Times editorial

Beijing's Capitalist Enablers -- Harold Meyerson, Washington Post

China's 'Socialist Road' to Misery -- Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe

Why Geithner Went to China -- Tim Fernholz, The American Prospect

The Jihad at Home -- Washington Times editorial

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