Monday, June 29, 2009

Pakistan Plays Dangerous Double Game

Men place the coffin of commander Qari Zainuddin in a grave in Dera Ismail Khan, located in Pakistan's North West Frontier Province. Reuters

From The Independent:

The assassin struck shortly after morning prayers, storming into a room at the compound where Qari Zainuddin was staying and opening up with a volley of fire. The militant leader was rushed to a nearby hospital but declared dead. Meanwhile, the gunman - apparently dispatched by Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud - escaped in a waiting car.

The following day, in a cemetery of Muslim and Christian graves encircled by fields of maize, the 26-year-old, who in recent months had pitched himself against Mr Mehsud, was buried. The militant leader's funeral was notable for two things. Firstly the town was filled with checkposts manned by both Taliban and Pakistani security personnel. Secondly, when the dead man's brother, Misabhuddin, vowed to reporters that he would take revenge against Mr Mehsud, he also let slip something else. "Jihad against America and its allies in Afghanistan will continue as well," he said.

Read more ....

My Comment:
This analysis from The independent hits it on the nail when it comes to examining Pakistan's and U.S. priorities and objectives in this war. This article is a must read.

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