Monday, July 27, 2009

Clinton’s Leaky ‘Defense Umbrella’

From Small Wars Journal:

Iran’s nuclear program is suddenly receiving a flurry of attention from top Obama administration officials. Defense Secretary Robert Gates visited Israel today to exchange views on the subject with Ehud Barak, his counterpart. National Security Advisor James Jones will soon arrive in Israel, presumably to discuss the same topic.

Last week, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton proposed a U.S. “defense umbrella” over the entire Middle East should Iran fail to cease work on its nuclear complex. Other officials in the Obama administration soon attempted to repeal Clinton’s remarks, while simultaneously implying that some kind of U.S. security umbrella has always been over the Middle East.

Read more ....

My Comment: A sober assessment from the Small Wars Journal. I also remember what it was like to live under an "umbrella" during the Cold War. It was not a picnic nor a stable time for everyone.

During the 60s, 70s, and 80s I felt confident (most of the time) that the Soviet Union would never launch a nuclear attack against us, but their focus on conventional armies only helped to heighten the fear and worry that an accident and/or mistake could lead us to a nuclear exchange. Fortunately .... that never happened.

In the Middle East, the dynamics are different. To begin, the religious component of martyrdom is present. Also .... Israeli determination to protect themselves .... even launching a preemptive war .... is something that concerns everyone. What they would do if Iran does successfully obtain nuclear weapons .... I can easily picture the worse case scenario.

Pushing the idea of an "umbrella" may appeal to the American public .... but in the Middle East this is a non-starter for the simple reason that everyone knows that this will only heighten tensions, and will probably precipitate an arms race. An event that the Middle East certainly does not need right now.

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