Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How To Damage U.S. Russian Relations

Vice President Biden arrives in Ukraine on Monday, July 20, 2009. (AP Photo)

Biden's Big Mouth Bites Russia -- Real Clear World

Vice President Joe Biden recently claimed that, because Russia’s economy is “withering,” Moscow will have to bend to the West, specifically on issues relating to the former Soviet republics and the reduction of its nuclear arsenal. But what Mr. Biden seems to be forgetting is the important role that Russia can play in the war in Afghanistan – after all, the road to Kabul runs through Moscow.

Russia has no obligation to bend one way or the other. The country still exerts strong influence over most Central Asian states, including those directly bordering Afghanistan. In fact, Russia recently allowed—after nearly eight years of war—the United States to use its airspace to transport troops and military equipment into Afghanistan. After Mr. Biden’s comment, there appears to be a gap between the Obama administration’s objective of stabilizing Afghanistan and the means with which they hope to achieve it. Gratuitously antagonizing Russia risks prompting officials in Moscow to either retract their concession on Afghanistan, to pressure Central Asian republics to act in kind – or both.

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My Comment: The arrogance of this man knows no bounds. The Russians know this .... and are now wondering if President Obama is the same type of man.

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