Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Pentagon Told To Cut $60 Billion From Their Budget

Military Ordered To Find $60 Billion in Savings Over Next Five Years -- CQ Politics

The military will need to come up with $60 billion in savings over the next five years to pay for new priorities to be set by the Defense secretary, a top Pentagon official said Tuesday.

The order from Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is based on an assumption that there will be no real growth in defense budgets over the next five years, a radical departure for a department whose budgets have increased more than 80 percent since 2001.

Read more ....

More News On The Pentagon's Budget Shortfall

US military told: find 5-yr savings of $50-$60 bln -- Reuters
Defense review sees no growth in budgets, troops -- Government Executive
Obama Demands $60 Billion in Savings From Military Fighting Two Wars -- Weekly Standard

My Comment: Unbelievable. You do not drop this news on the men and women who are sacrificing their lives to protect us .... especially when they are in a middle of fighting a number of wars and conflicts.

There is no honor in this.

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