Thursday, July 9, 2009

Is Your City Prepared For A Home-Made Nuke?

(Click Image to Enlarge)

From New Scientist:

AS US president Barack Obama visits Moscow this week to discuss nuclear arms reduction with his Russian opposite number Dmitry Medvedev, a different nuclear threat is preoccupying emergency planners back home. A panel of medical experts has just released its assessment of the technologies and therapies that could be rolled out if a home-made nuclear bomb was ever detonated in the heart of an American city.

A device of this kind - now judged by Obama to pose "the most immediate and extreme threat to global security" - would kill hundreds of thousands of people. But as catastrophic as such an attack would be, it would not level an entire city, and a timely response could save many lives. Recent advances in techniques for mapping the path of radioactive fallout after an attack, combined with novel therapies for treating radiation victims, will improve survival chances, the report says.

Read more ....

My Comment: An article with tons of useful information. A must read.

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