Thursday, July 9, 2009

This is Why We Will Lose The War In Afghanistan

U.S. Marines patrol through a field during an operation in Helmand province,Afghanistan, July 3, 2009. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Pete Thibodeau

No Excuse: Marines Losing Legs in Now Zad -- Captain's Journal

In What Now Zad Can Teach Us About Counterinsurgency The Captain’s Journal ridiculed the decision-making for the campaign in Helmand and found the idea incredulous that the U.S. Marines in Now Zad would be under-resourced. They need more troops, as we have pointed out, and major combat action continues against Taliban fighters. These Taliban, it must be understood, have given us the opportunity for which we pray. They have separated themselves from the population and given us unhindered access to kill them. But the population-centric counterinsurgency advocates (we consider this to be similar to a cult) lament the fact that there is no population to woe and win, and so the campaign in Now Zad sees the Marines without enough troops.

Now Zad remains so dangerous that this is the only Marine unit in Afghanistan that brings along two trauma doctors, as well as two armored vehicles used as ambulances and supplies of fresh blood.

Read more ....

My Comment: I had to read this post by the Captain's Journal twice .... the second time was to confirm what I had read is what I had read, and to digest the implications of what is being reported on. It just made me more angry.

I cannot say that I am surprised. The war is Afghanistan is now a political conflict that is run and managed by the White House and their military appointees. Soldiers that are needed to tip the battle are not being deployed. Cries for assistance from commanders in the field are being ignored. And the politicians who always campaigned on the principle of protecting our troops .... these same men and women are now silent and complicit in this disaster.

We are going to lose this war not because the Taliban will be victorious on the field .... we will lose this war because the American Public will get fed up of body bags and soldiers like Cpl. Matthew Lembke who end up coming home without their legs.

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