Sunday, September 6, 2009

Learning From The Japanese Samurai -- Warrior Mind Training

Samurai Mind Training for Modern American Warriors -- Time Magazine

Not long ago at Fort Bragg, N.C., the country's largest military base, seven soldiers sat in a semi-circle, lights dimmed, eyes closed, two fingertips lightly pressed beneath their belly buttons to activate their "core." Electronic music thumped as the soldiers tried to silence their thoughts, the key to Warrior Mind Training, a form of meditation slowly making inroads on military bases across the country. "This is mental push-ups," Sarah Ernst told the weekly class she leads for soldiers at Fort Bragg. "There's a certain burn. It's a workout."

Read more

My Comment: This is not a new story .... The Danger Room covered this story last year .... Troops Use ‘Samurai’ Meditation to Soothe PTSD.

I have been using meditation techniques for 25 years. (I learned about it in South Korea in the mid-1980s). I have found it to be very therapeutic .... especially when I was experiencing stress. But can it work for soldiers? .... hmmmm .... more study will probably be needed.

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