Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No More U.S. State Secrets?

Attorney General Eric Holder

Obama to Set Higher Bar For Keeping State Secrets -- Washington Post

New Policy May Affect Wiretap, Torture Suits.

The Obama administration will announce a new policy Wednesday making it much more difficult for the government to claim that it is protecting state secrets when it hides details of sensitive national security strategies such as rendition and warrantless eavesdropping, according to two senior Justice Department officials.

The new policy requires agencies, including the intelligence community and the military, to convince the attorney general and a team of Justice Department lawyers that the release of sensitive information would present significant harm to "national defense or foreign relations." In the past, the claim that state secrets were at risk could be invoked with the approval of one official and by meeting a lower standard of proof that disclosure would be harmful.

Read more ....

More News On The U.S. Changing State Secrecy Rules

U.S. adopts new policy for state secrets claims -- Reuters
"Good Government" Groups Praise Obama's Higher Threshold for State Secrets Rule -- ABC News
Justice Dept. to Limit Use of State Secrets Privilege -- New York Times
Report: Obama to Raise Bar for State Secrets -- FOX News
New DOJ Guidelines Alter State Secrets Privilege -- Wall Street Journal

My Comment: This appears to be a political payoff to the various left wing/civil liberty groups that have been pushing for these rule changes these past few years.

Are we more safer and/or do we have more "liberties" because of it .... hmmmmm .... I doubt it.

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