Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Terror Concerns Rise In U.S. Police Agencies

Police Warned Of High-Profile Terror Targets -- Washington Times

Bulletins coincide with FBI suspicions of plot.

Authorities investigating a suspected al Qaeda plot to set off bombs in the U.S. are warning local law enforcement agencies that hotels, stadiums and entertainment complexes remain attractive targets for attacks.

Two bulletins from the FBI and the Homeland Security Department were sent to local law enforcement agencies Monday, the same day three men were arraigned on charges of lying to the FBI in connection with the bureau's investigation of the purported plot. The bulletins did not mention the recent arrests.

Read more ....

More News On Heightened Terror Concerns From U.S. Police Agencies

AG Holder: NYC Terror Plot "Very Serious" -- ABC News
Officials Worry NY Terror Plot 'Still Alive' as Case Broadens -- ABC News
U.S. terror alert expands to transit and stadiums -- CBC
Alerts across USA intensify in terror probe -- USA Today
Terror plot: a failed replay of London and Madrid? -- Christian Science Monitor
Up to 24 More People Under Scrutiny as NYC Tightens Security in Terror Probe -- FOX News
How Using Imam in Terror Inquiry Backfired on Police -- New York Times
Long after 9/11, stadiums still on the defensive -- USA Today

My Comment: The FBI informer blew the undercover operation for this case. From what little that we know .... it appears that there are more players in this case, and that their intentions were to cause mass murder.

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