Monday, September 21, 2009

Russia Will Still Deploy Nuclear Missiles In Europe

With a range of up to 310 miles for its new generation of Iskander missiles, Russia would be able to strike at both the radar and the interceptors if it built a base in western Belarus Photo: AFP/GETTY

Russia General Says Missile Plan Not Shelved -- Reuters

ZURICH (Reuters) - Russia's top general said on Monday that plans to deploy missiles in an enclave next to Poland had not been shelved, despite a decision by the United States to rethink plans for missile defense in Europe.

But a former Russian diplomatic negotiator indicated he thought the deployments in Kaliningrad region, bordering Poland, unlikely to go ahead. Alternative U.S. proposals for sea-based defenses appeared less likely to raise Kremlin objections.

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My Comment: I am not surprised. The Russian General is laying the groundwork for Moscow to ignore President Obama's announcement last week that the U.S. will break security agreements with Poland and the Czech Republic. From the Russian point of view, they now see a "power vacuum" forming on their border, and they are going to move in quickly to exploit the situation and to intimidate these countries to "toe" the Russian foreign policy line. In short .... they want them to behave like the Baltic states .... quiet and compliant.

The Czech Republic has so far been quiet on these developments, but Poland understands the threat and are are moving quickly to develop closer EU security ties.

But the real pressure is now going to be felt in the Ukraine in its upcoming Presidential election, and in Georgia. Pro-Russian parties in the Ukraine are now using the American retreat from Eastern Europe as a lever on the electorate that the future lies with Russia .... and they are being very effective on this point. Georgia is always feeling the pressure from Russia .... these moves will only make their situation more precarious.

1 comment:

Tech said...

Doesn't Obama feel stupid now for shelving the missile plan.