Tuesday, September 22, 2009

UK Army Chief Say Jets And Tanks Are Not The Future For Britain's Military

UK's new army chief, General Sir David Richards.
Photograph: Shaun Curry/AFP/Getty Images

Army Chief General Sir David Richards Says Ships And Jets No Longer The Answer -- The Guardian

To cope with emerging new threats, Britain's armed forces must be equipped with smarter weapons and rely less on traditional ones such as tanks, fast jets and surface ships, the new head of the army said tonight.

"The character of warfare is fundamentally changing," General Sir David Richards warned in his first major speech since taking up his post last month. Describing Afghanistan as a "signpost to the future", he added: "Globalisation is increasing the likelihood of conflict with non-state and failed state actors, and reducing the likelihood of state-on-state warfare."

Read more ....

My Comment: I forgot about this story when I read it last week. But when I read what the Chinese are doing (see previous post) .... and what the British are talking about doing .... I felt that this was the best place to do a post and commentary on this thinking.

General Sir David Richards comments are shocking and disturbing in every way. If this is the type of thinking that permeates the UK General Staff and the MoD .... they might as well cease the construction of 2 new carriers, a Trident missile system, purchase of F-35 jets .... and focus on MRVs, body armor, helicopters, and UAVs.

But I doubt that this is going to happen.

What is actually happening is politics .... and the realization that the British Government and the Ministry of Defense cannot afford the programs and weapon systems that it wants. The General is laying down the groundwork for the elimination of many key programs and procurements that have been promised .... but (now) cannot be paid for. The excuse will be that these weapon systems are out of date/not necessary/or inadequate to the task at hand. The truth is .... we do not have the money.

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