Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Who Leaked Gen. Stanley McChrystal's Afghan Asessment Report

Who leaked Bob Woodward's exclusive on a 66-page report from McChrystal to Obama?
(Composite image by POLITICO)

A D.C. Whodunit: Who Leaked And Why? -- A Politico

Bob Woodward’s Monday-morning exclusive on a 66-page report from Gen. Stanley McChrystal to President Barack Obama about Afghanistan policy was a rite of passage for the new administration: the first major national security leak and a sure sign that the celebrated Washington Post reporter has penetrated yet another administration.

White House officials greeted the leak with a grimace, but none suggested they’d begin a witch hunt for the leaker. Woodward is famous for his access to the principals themselves — he recently traveled to Afghanistan with National Security Adviser James Jones — and leak hunters couldn’t expect with confidence that they’d find themselves disciplining just an undisciplined junior staffer.

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My Comment: What a difference a new President makes. Leaks happen to every administration, but these arguments were never brought forward by the media when President Bush was President .... and he had leaks by the dozen.

But what bothers me even more, is that by focusing on the leak, the real story .... Gen. McChrystal's Afghan Assessment .... gets put aside when it should be the issue that we are talking about.

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