Sunday, October 18, 2009

Afghanistan War News Updates -- October 18, 2009

Korengal Valley, Afghanistan. Photograph: John Moore/Getty Images

76 Days Since Request For More Troops, Obama Accused Of Stalling -- Times Online

IN Afghanistan they would call it a shura, the traditional tribal way of listening to elders’ views before reaching a consensus. In Washington, where President Barack Obama has now held five war councils, they are starting to call it dithering.

With another council on the Afghan war scheduled for this week, US officials admit it could be November before a decision is finally taken on whether to agree to General Stanley McChrystal’s request for more troops. One participant revealed that the protagonists have not yet discussed troop numbers.

Read more ....

More News On Afghanistan

NATO Military Chiefs Back More Troops for Afghanistan -- Wall Street Journal
NATO chiefs back Afghanistan reinforcements -- Forbes/AP
Three Taliban group commanders captured in N Afghanistan -- China View
Bomb kills US soldier in Afghanistan: NATO -- AFP
Security forces kill 8 militants in S Afghanistan -- China View
FACTBOX-Security developments in Afghanistan, Oct 18 -- Reuters
US military deaths in Afghanistan region at 796 -- Washington Post/AP

US senator warns on Afghan troops -- BBC
Kerry: too soon to send more troops to Afghanistan -- AP
US' Kerry: decide Afghan vote before adding troops -- Reuters

Afghan rivals urged to respect election result -- CNN
Intense diplomacy under way to rescue Afghan vote -- Yahoo News/AFP
Runoff Vote Possible in Disputed Afghan Presidential Election -- Voice of America
'Brick Wall' Feared In Afghan Election -- Washington Post
France FM urges Afghans to end vote deadlock -- Yahoo News/AFP
French minister says Karzai ready for talks with rival -- Reuters
Allies Press Karzai to Accept Election Audit Results -- New York Times
Armed Riots Threatened as Karzai Scorns Election Inquiry -- Times Online

Gates seeks aid on Afghanistan amid US indecision -- AP
Taliban's Afghan allies tell Barack Obama: 'Cut us a deal and we'll ditch al-Qaeda' -- The Telegraph
Military Seeks $1.3 Billion For Projects in Afghanistan -- Washington Post
We're Making a Difference, US Colonel Tells Despondent Troops in Afghanistan -- Times Online

Commentaries And Analysis

Risking a Rights Disaster -- Wazhma Frogh, Washington Post opinion
Same old mistakes in new Afghan war -- Peter Beaumont, The Guardian
The Kabul Quagmire -- Jason Straziusi, Times of India
Obama's Afghan Squeeze Play -- Jim Hoagland, Washington Post opinion
Don't Settle for Stalemate in Afghanistan -- Ike Skelton and Joe Lieberman, Washington Post opinion

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The War in Afghanistan is over, it's all about saving face now.