Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Best Allies Money Can Buy -- The Growth Of Private Contractors In War Zones

From Thomas L. Friedman/The New York Times:

In 2003, I was on a trip to Iraq and had arranged an appointment in the Green Zone with a member of the then-Iraqi Governing Council. Security was tight. I was with my Iraqi translator, a middle-aged man who had once been a teacher. When we arrived at the council, after a long walk, I showed my ID to two young uniformed U.S. soldiers. They told me to wait, went inside and out came a man wearing civilian clothes, one of those fishing vests and an Australian bush hat.

Read more ....

My Comment: Are Iraq and Afghanistan our nation's first "contractor wars" ..... with 57% of the work that is needed to be done in Afghanistan being contracted out .... I would have to say YES.

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