Tuesday, December 8, 2009

General McChrystal And Ambassador Eikenberry Give Their Testimonies To Congress Today

Gen. Stanley McChrystal To Congress: 'We Can Defeat The Taliban' -- Christian Science Monitor

At hearings on Capitol Hill Tuesday, Gen. Stanley McChrystal said the US would be able to disable the Taliban to the point where they would no longer threaten the government of Afghanistan.

Washington - There are as many as 27,000 Taliban operating in Afghanistan but the top American commander there says he believes they can be defeated under the new strategy.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top military commander in Afghanistan, told Senate lawmakers Tuesday that while the Taliban is comprised of disparate parts, one prominent group, the Quetta Shura, or "Afghan Taliban," is the biggest threat.

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As Abe Lincoln watches, President Obama met with U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, left, and General Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, in the Oval Office on Monday. (White House/Pete Souza)

More News On General McChrystal's And Ambassador Eikenberry

McChrystal backs Afghan plan to skeptical Congress -- Yahoo News/AP
U.S. commander, envoy unite behind Afghan strategy -- Yahoo News/Reuters
McChrystal Confident of Progress in 18 months -- ABC News
McChrystal supports new strategy in Afghanistan -- AP
General: Pakistani help could defeat Afghan gang -- AP
Men behind Obama’s surge, McChrystal and Eikenberry, put on united front -- Times Online
Top U.S. General, Envoy In Afghanistan Defend Surge -- NPR
Obama's Line in the Afghan Sand -- CBS
US Gen Stanley McChrystal backs US surge in Afghanistan -- BBC
McChrystal, Eikenberry project united front -- Politico
McChrystal and Eikenberry on the Hill -- Washington Post
A Wrap-Up Of The Second McChrystal/Eikenberry Hearing -- Attackerman
FACTBOX: Quotes from U.S. lawmakers on Afghan policy -- Reuters
McChrystal/Eikenberry Testimony Today -- Abu Muquwama

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