Tuesday, February 16, 2010

More News On The Capture Of The Taliban's Top Military Commander

A man believed to be Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar in a photograph taken in 1998, given to The New York Times by a former photographer for the Taliban. The New York Times

General's Capture a Major Blow to Taliban -- CBS News

Capture Could Be Sign Pakistan is Getting Serious about Denying Militants Safe Haven, May Yield Gold Mine of Intelligence.

(CBS) He was the top commander of Taliban fighters killing American soldiers in Afghanistan. Now he is a prisoner, reports CBS News chief national security correspondent David Martin.

"This is the most significant victory we have had in nine years of fighting the Afghan Taliban," said former CIA officer Bruce Riedel.

Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was second only to Taliban leader Mullah Omar and in charge of day-to-day operations.

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More News On The Capture Of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar

Profile: Mullal Baradar - father of the roadside IED -- Times Online
Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar was Mullah Omar’s right hand man -- Times Online
Karachi was haven for Taliban fugitives -- The Guardian
After senior Taliban arrest, an official reflects on expanding Pakistan-CIA ties -- Christian Science Monitor
Capture of top Taliban leader points to Pakistan policy shift -- The Guardian
Taliban chief captured in secret op -- ABC News (Australia)
Capture of Taliban No. 2 bolsters US efforts in Afghanistan -- Christian Science Monitor
Mastermind who holds vital intelligence -- Financial Post
Nato has struck a blow, but the war isn't yet won -- The Independent
White House mum on Taliban leader's capture -- USA Today
After Taliban Baradar arrest, does Bin Laden matter? -- Christian Science Monitor
Leader's arrest could disrupt Taliban and peace talks, analysts say -- Miami Herald
Arrest of Taliban leader: Pakistan holds the key -- Guardian editorial
An overdue success against the Taliban -- The Telegraph editorial

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