Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Is An Israeli - Lebanon War Inevitable?

Hassan Nasrallah delivers a televised speech. Photo AFP

Are Lebanon and Israel Headed for War? -- ABC News

Word on The Streets of Beirut is That The Drums are Beating for Battle

To the casual observer, people on the streets of Beirut show no fear of war. But talk to many Lebanese today, and you'll soon find war is very much on their minds.

All the people ABC News spoke to say conflict with Israel is looming. It's just a matter of when.

Neither side wants to be guilty of starting the next war, but people in Lebanon say tension is now so high the smallest incident may provide the trigger.

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More News On Hezbollah And Israel Threatening War

Hezbollah Warns Israel Over Future War -- Reuters
Hezbollah threatens Israel's infrastructure if attacked -- AFP
Hezbollah warns of retaliation for any Israeli hit -- AP
Nasrallah: 'If you hit Beirut airport, we'll hit Ben Gurion' -- Haaretz
Nasrallah warns Israel: If you hit our airport, we'll hit yours -- Daily Star
Lebanese troops open fire on Israeli warplanes -- AP
Lebanese army fires on Israeli fighter planes: military -- AFP

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