Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Is The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks Back On The Table

Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, has been granted four months to try indirect peace talks with Israel through US diplomats. Photograph: Mohammed Salem/Reuters

Arab League Accepts U.S. Proposal on Peace Talks -- New York Times

CAIRO — Arab League foreign ministers gave their approval on Wednesday to an American proposal that Palestinians hold indirect talks with Israelis following a breakdown in discussions between the two sides more than a year ago.

The ministers, gathered in the hall of the League of Arab States in central Cairo, supported allowing the United States mediated talks to go forward for just four months, officials said.

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More News On The Israeli - Palestinian Conflict

Arabs approve indirect Israeli-Palestinians talks -- AP
Arabs give Palestinian-Israeli indirect talks 'final' chance -- AFP
Arab ministers back new Israel-Palestinian peace talks -- BBC
Arab League backs Middle East talks -- Al Jazeera
Mahmoud Abbas given four months to try indirect peace talks with Israel -- The Guardian
Israel welcomes Arab League support for indirect talks -- Reuters

My Comment: This is going to go nowhere.

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