Thursday, March 11, 2010

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- March 11, 2010

Shanghai skyline

China's Bubble Trouble -- David Ignatius, Real Clear World/Washington Post

WASHINGTON -- The bubbly enthusiasm that many analysts express about the Chinese economy reminds me of the old-time variety show host Lawrence Welk, who banished worries each week with soothing sounds from his "Champagne Music Makers."

China watchers should turn off the music and listen to Premier Wen Jiabao, who has been surprisingly frank in warning that overinvestment and lack of domestic demand are producing an economic bubble in his country.

Read more ....


Beijing seeks a shift in geopolitics -- Willy Lam, Asia Times

China slows its defence spending, on paper -- Harsh V Pant, Rediff

World Not Ready for Sovereign Debt Crisis - Mohamed El-Erian, Financial Times

Fears that Iran Wants to Trigger Mideast War -- Frida Ghitis, World Politics Review

Dubai to spies: Clear out -- Ethel C. Fenig, American Thinker

Haitian president drops the ball on addressing corruption concerns -- Washington Post editorial

U.S. - Japan base problem drags on -- Gregory Clark, Japan Times

Resetting Our Reset Foreign Policy -- Victor Davis Hanson, National Review

How to Win the War of Ideas -- James K. Glassman, Foreign Policy

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