Friday, March 19, 2010

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- March 19, 2010

A Third Muslim-World War? -- Christopher Dickey, Newsweek

Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu would do anything to protect Israel—as long as he doesn't have to believe in peace.

Back when Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu was elected Israel's prime minister for the first time, in 1996, a Jordanian political scientist with a grim sense of humor said the only way to describe him was like a villain out of an old Western: "He's a lyin', cheatin', deceitin' son of a bitch!"

Read more ....

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Preparing for US failure in Afghanistan -- Ahmed Rashid , Daily Star

How Obama Is Turning America against Israel -- Ed Lasky, American Thinker

The Problem Is Not China -- Shiu Sin Por, New York Times

How Obama created the Biden incident -- Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post

Tapped Out: Why Hugo Chávez's friends can't save his petrostate. -- By Daniel Freifeld, Foreign Policy

Revising the art of defense -- David Howell, Japan Times

Is government at all levels falling apart? -- Monty Pelerin, American Thinker

Iran As Al-Qaida Base -- IBD Editorial

Fiddling While Athens Burns -- Stephen Pope, Forbes

U.S. Unilateralism -- Richard Fernandez, Pajamas Media

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