Monday, March 8, 2010

Has China Declared A Cyberwar Against The West?

It is estimated that in the past year the number of attacks on US government agencies rose to 1.6 billion per month. Systems in the EU are even more vulnerable.

Cyberwar Declared As China Hunts For The West’s Intelligence Secrets -- Times Online

Urgent warnings have been circulated throughout Nato and the European Union for secret intelligence material to be protected from a recent surge in cyberwar attacks originating in China.

The attacks have also hit government and military institutions in the United States, where analysts said that the West had no effective response and that EU systems were especially vulnerable because most cyber security efforts were left to member states.

Read more ....

My Comment: This report from the Times completely contradicts what US Cyber Czar Howard Schmidt has recently been saying.

So .... who is right? The Times says that China has declared war against us in the cyber arena, with NATO and EU officials expressing alarms and fears .... the White House Cyber Czar says that we have nothing to be afraid of, and that the threat of cyberwar is overblown.

Hmmmm .... my money is on those unnamed NATO/EU officials who are concerned that our cyber defenses are weak or ineffective. Their concerns are further reinforced by the US military who is not listening to the White House Cyber Czar, and are in fact enacting their own procedures and rules on how the US military can interact on the web.

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